COVID19 & Your Immunity

Ok, this is my opinion but base don my years of practice and knowledge on your immune system, sop here goes …

Is the virus severe?

It depends on what you mean by severe, over 95% of cases are in fact minor cases of the infection. So a sore throat, dry cough, fever. 5% become severe so you can increase this symptoms along with the aches and pains and shortness of breath.

If you are unwell, then the virus can create severe consequences. So my advice is twofold – don’t be severely unwell and if you are, do something to build your immune system up.

Did you know?

Healthy people don’t get sick. If your immune system is strong then you won’t catch a cold let alone Covid19. It is no more contagious than most infections.

Should we worry?

The cases per million is still low, lockdowns, washing your hands, social distancing will help prevent the spread. But doing this won’t increase your immunity. And building up your immunity remains the best way to prevent yourself catching it, or at worse getting it and then it only being mild.

New viruses occur all the time, they mutate from existing viruses. Covid19 is the same, a “new strain” not a new virus. And next year, or the following there will be another. Do you remember the Avian Flu, Swine Flu, MERS, ZICO to name a few that were going to sweep the planet and be serious …

They weren’t unless you were unwell, caught and then had issues, and yes there were which which is terrible. But put into context … TB kills people very day, as does Pneumonia virus, as does the common cold.

We are surrounded by potential killers every day, and every day your body fights them off. As long as your immune system is functioning well.

So my advice …

Follow the protocols, commit to the lockdown and all that entails – wash your hands, social distancing, staying at home if you have any symptoms of ANY infection. But most of all …

Get healthy!!

Build your immune system now – take vitamin C, have fresh air and sunshine for vitamin D, reduce stress which helps your hormonal system and your vitamin A and B levels, cook and eat Garlic, drink plenty of fresh water …

And most of all hold your fingers/palm as I explain with treatment. Hold the inside of your knees an acupressure point to boost your immune system). Call me for advice if you need to.

Lastly, once the lockdown is over and we can move about … the virus will remain in our community … probably for years to come. A vaccine will be produced at some stage, but the best way for you to never catch this or any other virus is to look after your ENTIRE health.

Have a regular treatment to stay well, hold your acupressure points, reduce stress and boost energy, have and enjoy life … all of these will give you the protection you need and more.

So, don’t panic, stay well, stay safe, stay inside in the lockdown (apart from your fresh air every day) and it will all be OK!