The Stress In Christchurch

Surely not…

Christchurch doesn’t suffer any more stress than other cities in New Zealand? Yes we had our earthquakes, and some horrific recent events too, but we are stoic, hardy, a community …

Yes we are all those things but stress is not just larger events. Stress is basically and energy equation …

Anything you spend energy on is stressful!

That means even good events are stressful for your body. Think of the many times you picked up a cold, or felt tired and exhausted in an event you were actually looking forward to.

Stress in itself is not the issue but your body’s response to it. That’s why we pick up colds, get tired, develop headaches, have upset digestion and many other symptoms.

The bigger the stress, the longer the stress lasts and the less you are able to deal with it means the bigger the symptoms.

Short and sweet answer then is to not get stressed, just like it is easy to not breath air.

Our day to day lives are inherently stressful, add in those unexpected events and it is no wonder why we suffer with so many aches and pains, coughs and colds, poor sleep, tiredness and fatigue, headaches, poor digestion etc.

All of these conditions are attributed to stress!

And the solution …

Simple, you need to learn simple ways to reduce stress quickly and easily. More importantly you need to do these consistently also. Each day a few minutes of quieting your mind, going for a walk in the fresh air, playing with your children, watching a funny movie, turning off the news …

These are all simple things you can do easily that cost you nothing and will help immensely.

However, to be more effective you need to use other methods too. Acupressure has many great benefits of not only reducing stress but also removing the effects of stress on your body. Best of all you can apply techniques at home while watching TV.

So if you are interested in a simple approach to reducing stress, improving sleep, boosting energy, enhancing your health and many other health benefits …

Simply call us on (027) 3840-160 or book online here at the site.