Irritable Bowel, Digestive Upsets and What You Can Do To Help

Digestive issues are common and the incidence of these seems to be increasing. From reactions to foods, to bowel pain or the “unexplained” bowel issues that is now called Irritable Bowel Syndrome to name a few.

I’ve been in Chiropractic since 1991, and in Christchurch since that time also working as a Chiropractor. However, over the years I have learnt more, studied effective ways to not only help back pain, but many help related issues also. This is why I am now a Spinal Kinesiologist, a technique that combines Muscle and Joint Balancing, Acupressure, Reflexes, Homeopathy and also teach clients techniques to use at home to save treatment time (and money too).

I still treat many structural complaints, but have specialized in Bowel, Sleep and Hormonal complaints.

Digestive issues are one of the areas I have focussed on, as many of my clients present with a variety of issues in this area. But to effectively deal with these problems you need to get to the underlying issues if you want to make significant change.

This is why I use a combination of Acupressure, Reflexes and Homeopathy to help.

So what are some of the reasons why these occur?

Firstly you can have bowel motility issues. This means that the material passing through your digestion is not proceeding as it should. It may stay in certain areas too long and others not long enough.

The problem with this is that food if not being broken down effectively can actually ferment. Imagine a brewery in your gut and you can see why many bloating, pain, wind type symptoms occur.

Motility can relate to certain valves in the bowel not opening and closing as they should. It can be the muscular movement which can even be affected by your Diaphragm (your Diaphragm as it rhythmically moves helps stimulate the peristalsis of your bowel – so not assessing this can allow certain issues to remain).

There is also the issue of Candida Imbalance in the gut. Candida is kept in check by the bacteria in your gut. So after antibiotics the good bacteria is removed and Candida can flourish. This is why people can get Thrush after antibiotic use at time.

So to help with many bowel issues, including Irritable Bowel, Candida Imbalance needs to be addressed. But not with diet…

There are many simple and effective ways to balance the Candida-Bacteria imbalance without needing to alter your diet.

There is also numerous other bowel causes that are not even in your digestive area. This is why it is essential to treat the body as a whole rather than just focussing on the bowel itself.

So if you have any bowel related issue, then why not try an effective, natural advanced health care approach. Life is easier when you are not walking around feeling bloated, passing wind or in pain.

Simply call me on (027) 3840-160 to arrange a consultation.